Special Issue: Constantly Offended


The Red Diamonds Newsletter is an interview-rich weekly publication on: communication, decision-making, behavior, trust, conflict, professional relationships, courage, resilience, reputation and smarter crisis management. Speaking with bright, wise minds and accomplished, difference-making people.

(Red Diamonds Newsletter on Medium)

Something significant is transpiring in our psychology when we’re constantly offended yet we often don’t realize what specifically that is or how to prevent it, navigate through it or replace the reactionary behavior.

“If you are on a continuous search to be offended, you will always find what you are looking for; even when it isn’t there.”

Bill Kellogg

It costs us too in how we’re perceived, received and the outcomes in our relationships, professional and personal.

To gain knowledge, greater insight and recommendations on how to respond more wisely and successfully, I spoke to two experts. They all had something a little different to say. There is wisdom and some deep, interesting insights in what they have to share.

See which article is most interesting and helpful for you personally.

(Justin Baksh, Mental Health Counselor and Chief Clinical Officer)

Why We’re Constantly Offended and What We Can Do About It
(Expertise: Justin Baksh)

(Patricia Celan, MD)

What’s Happening Behind Chronic Reactivity and Anger
(Expertise: Patricia Celan)

Michael Toebe writes, edits and publishes the weekly Red Diamonds Newsletter as well as Red Diamonds Features and Red Diamonds Essays (all on Medium) and is the voice of the short-segment Red Diamonds Podcast. He is a specialist for reputation, professional relationships communication and wiser crisis management.

Contact: RedDiamondsMedia@Gmail.com
Twitter: ReputationExtra

(Red Diamonds Newsletter, a publication from Red Diamonds Media)

Until next week

“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.”

Albert Einstein


“There’s a way of doing it better — find it.”

Thomas Edison



Red Diamonds Newsletter: Michael Toebe

Newsletter on communication, decision making, behavior, conflict, psychology, professional relationships, resilience, courage, reputation and crisis.